Category: threesome

Shy Chinese Neighbor Wants Advice

The only thing on my mind while driving home from work on a sweaty day in mid-summer was to pull my suit pants off, get into my PJs, and laze around. Living alone I could afford to walk around the house dressed however the hell I wanted and enjoy the Friday afternoon heat in peace. I came in the door exhausted and slumped onto the couch.

Without my even thinking about it my hand slid into my pants, worked its way under the waste-band of my g-string, and rubbed and scratched at the small trail of short curly hairs growing above my vulva. Just as I unbuttoned my pants I heard the doorbell. I live in a condo with a security guard. We don’t get salespeople or Mormons, and since I didn’t have any plans for the night, I was curious who it would be at the door.

It was the little Asian girl who lives in the unit to the left of mine. I didn’t even know her name but I’d seen her in the elevator and coming and going in the halls a few times.

I opened the door and smiling warmly said, “Hey, what’s up, can I help you with something?”

She was nervous. She looked down for a moment and I felt like she was deciding whether or not to bolt back to her place and lock the door.

Finally she said, “I know we don’t really know each other but I need your advice with something. I really need to talk to you. Can I come in, or do you want to come to my place?”

The latter sounded interesting. I’d never seen any of the other condos in the building.

“OK, let’s go,” I replied, stepping out into the hall without even putting shoes on.

My curiosity was really peaked. I had no idea what she wanted but I was happy to go along and find out. Sometimes I can be too solitary of a person and I have had some of my life’s best experiences by taking advantage of sudden opportunities.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know your name.”

“My English name is Jacqueline, and yours?”

“Jane. So where you born in Ireland or…?”

“China. But I’ve been here for about 9 years. I came over as a student originally.”

She opened her door, which was unlocked, and I followed her inside. Her place was clean and very sparsely decorated. In the area to the left of the entrance way a couch stood away from any walls and facing a TV. There was a coffee table, a table in the kitchen to the right of the entrance way, which had a few chairs set out around it, and there was a large tank filled with brightly coloured exotic looking fish. The thing that I noticed most was the complete lack of any decoration on the walls. But because of their light colour, and the fact that all of the curtains were open, the place still seemed bright and cheery.

We sat on the couch and, still not knowing what exactly was up, I continued the conversation, learning that Jacqueline was 27 and worked in a travel agency. She seemed more relaxed now and I again caught the scent of wine on her breath that I had noted first at my front door. I was not wrong, as she got up and offered me a glass of a very nice red. I accepted happily, as I’d been planning on drinking anyway while watching movies.

Finally she got to the point I’d been waiting eagerly for.

“The reason I needed to talk to you so badly, Jane, has to do with my boyfriend. I really appreciate your coming over here, especially since we didn’t even know each other. Kary keeps asking me to do something and, deep down I really want to, but it is something that, I don’t know… it confuses me and it scares me too that if I do it I may regret it and feel… dirty.”

At this last word I perked up my ears and felt a very slight flush of excitement. Maybe I was getting a little drunk already having not eaten anything yet. One thing was for sure, Jacqueline’s shyness was really leaving me on edge! I wanted to just know already what the hell was up that was so important that she couldn’t call one of her friends on the phone or something, she had to come over and knock on my door.

“Well…?” I laughed, “What is it? What is it?”

She took another gulp of wine and then, looking at the floor, said, “A threesome.”

“I’m assuming he wants to do it with another girl?” I answered, wanting all the facts before I gave her my opinion.

“He does. In fact, he’s already decided which girl. He is really serious about it, and I love him and trust him completely, and… I think I want it too. The girl is you Jane.”

She was about to melt into the couch with embarrassment now. Wow. I didn’t see this coming on my drive home from work. I didn’t even think I knew who her boyfriend was. I’d seen a few guys in the elevator but didn’t know where any of them lived. I had certainly never done anything like a threesome before. Nor had I ever fooled around with another girl. But then I thought, “Ahh… what the fuck, it’s Friday.”

I put my arm around Jacqueline’s shoulder and said, “Well sweetie, if you want to do this, let’s do it.”

She finally had the courage to take her beautiful eyes off of the floor and look up to meet mine. My fingertips ran gently under her bangs rubbing her forehead. She put her hand behind my head and slowly leaned in to kiss my lips. My first kiss with a woman and it felt much more natural than I might have guessed it would. After this kiss she drew back and looked at me, beaming with relief and pleasure after so much concern over what the result of taking this risk would be.

I hadn’t really checked her out before this. Jacqueline was a petite woman with a delicate beauty and refined features. I took her small beautiful hand and held it between my own hands which completely covered it.

“Kary will be home any minute. He just went out to do some shopping and I didn’t tell him anything about this. I think he will be happy with me,” she giggled.

I was actually starting to burn up with desire for this woman. Even if her boyfriend didn’t come back I would have fucked her. “Who cares,” I rationalized to myself, “sex is supposed to feel good, if it feels good it then it’s fine.”

I kissed Jacqueline again, this time opening my lips a crack and letting the end of my tongue enter her mouth. We were making out very slowly, still fully clothed, me fondling her breasts and her running her hands through my long chestnut hair when the door opened.

Kary was a tall and very well built man. Welsh, as I would learn later. His body was on the verge of being too thick and making the transition from just strong to strong and definitely fat. I could tell that in a few years this change would irreversibly take place, but it hadn’t quite begun yet. His hairline was receding a little in the corners. I put him in his early 30s.

His smile was so broad as he gazed down at his couch and what waited there for him, that I thought it might lift him off of the ground as it grew.

He shook his head and clucked, “Jacqueline my dear you are simply incredible. Incredible.”

She bowed her head, laughing.

“I’m Jane,” I said.

“It is a pleasure Jane. My name is Kary.”

He took his boots off and came up to us from behind the couch, draping one arm around each of our shoulders and leaning his head forward to kiss the backs of our necks. Kary kissed his girlfriend deeply, and then turned to me and, very suddenly, we were making out. His left arm dropped from Jacqueline and came around to touch my cheek. I stuck my arm down over the back of the couch and searched blindly with it until it found its mark, the hard bulge in the front of Kary’s corduroys.

He stood up and took his shirt off, which gave us girls the opportunity to do the same with each other. I then unfastened Jacqueline’s bra and found myself looking at two absolutely delicious little titties. They were small but very perky, perfectly formed and capped by dark nipples. I leaned in to suck one and put my open hand lightly underneath it.

My lips bobbed rhythmically on Jacqueline’s tit and she made noises of appreciation while running her fingertips in scratching waves up my back. After a minute she leaned back further into a semi-reclined position, propped up on her elbows.

I took the cue and instead of following her down, pulled away from her tit and helped take her jeans and underwear off in a single motion. She raised her small ass off of the couch to help me undress her. Then I was looking at a cunt more closely than I had ever seen one. She kept it shaved bare. Her lips where close together, making her look tight. In spite of how horny I was, I didn’t feel any strong urge to take the full plunge and taste her just yet.

I heard Kary coming around to the front of the couch and turned to look at him. He was naked and he was big. I felt my heart move faster inside my chest as I watched him pull his foreskin back like a shield being lifted, exposing the broad shining purple of his penis head. His dick was firm, rising up so captivatingly the way only a nice big cock can. I straightened up and turned toward him while still remaining seated on the couch. My hands came forward easily, and without resistance I began touching his cock.

It was like a cricket bat as I weighed it: stiff and determined and powerful. I cupped his ball sack with my right hand and rhythmically pulled and teased it down between my fingers, rolling his testicles around slowly. I could feel the thinly distributed hairs of his scrotum tickling my palm. His sack was warm. Beads of his sweat were rubbing off onto my skin.

It was beautiful to look into his blue eyes and see how excited he was, and then to look lower down and see his cock literally waiving in the air with anticipation for my mouth. I had to take a moment and stare with appreciation at this big piece of him sticking up off of his body, so desperately wanting some attention.

I slowly ran the index finger of my left hand down, starting between his ass cheeks, farther and farther, from his ass along the skin between his legs and, in no rush, up his shaft. Jacqueline’s naked body was pressed against my back, hugging me. Her head was leaning on my shoulder as she watched the action. She kissed and nibbled at my earlobe, which felt great.

I bit my lip while I teased Kary with my finger, smiling innocently. At last I leaned in close and, turning my head to one side, put my lips tenderly on the edge of his shaft about half way up. I ran my kiss very deliberately first down the side of his shaft and then up until I reached the underside of his head. I licked him there lightly and continuously for a long while, letting my lips brush around his head without sucking him into my mouth yet.

My hand gingerly worked the base of his shaft, making circles up and down, lifting his pleasure together with my strokes. My twat was burning with excitement and I was slowly massaging my own groin inside my pants just as I was working his.

Finally I was ready and needing more, I opened by jaws wide and bobbed my head down taking most of his length into my horny throat. At the same time I rubbed my clit faster and felt a persistent warmth rise up my back and push its way to my face and my cock-filled mouth. I was in love with his dick in this moment, with its bulging veins, with its curves; I wanted it to plug me everywhere and for a long time to come.

Jacqueline was grinding her wet pussy against my lower back while I was giving her boyfriend head. She seemed content to watch from where she was for the moment.

With his shaft in my throat I allowed the fingers of the hand I wasn’t masturbating with to glide along Kary’s asshole, rubbing it lightly and spreading his hole out the slightest bit just with the very tip of my finger. I didn’t go too far in. I wasn’t sure how he’d react if I tried. I had to pull the finger back after rubbing his ass and quickly take his cock out of my mouth and run the finger under my nostrils. I breathed in a strong whiff of a man’s smells. It made me wild. I wanted to put my finger farther in, I would just try and see what he said.

I got up from the couch and nudged Jacqueline’s head towards her boyfriend’s dick to continue where I had left off. I removed my pants and came to Kary’s side, sliding my finger back down to his asshole where I began to apply pressure without actually entering him. He kissed me fervently with his tongue and, reaching down between his own legs, forcefully took my hand and guided my finger up into him.

This was so erotic to me that I couldn’t contain myself. I took my finger out for a moment, took Kary’s hand and, falling onto my back on the couch, spread my legs for him. He threw his shoulders under my calves and positioned his stiff cock at the entrance of my little hole. In the next instant he was penetrating me slowly and it felt so good that I gasped.

Jacqueline came over to where my head was resting and positioned her slit over my mouth, facing her boyfriend so she could watch him move in and out of my body. I still wasn’t so sure I wanted this, but things were going so well that I just shut my eyes and began licking Jacqueline’s cunt. This view was one I never would have guessed that I’d have. I was looking up into a woman’s cunt and ass. She was tight and perfectly proportioned with the sweetest little ass you can imagine.

Once I got started it wasn’t bad at all. I licked her everywhere, her thighs, her outer lips, her inner lips, her clit. I even tried tongue fucking her and licking her ass. She was so cute and appreciative. Her boyfriend was really laying it into me by then, making my boobs bounce to the rhythm of our fucking. I groaned and groaned with pleasure. I just continued yelling, “Fuck me,” over and over. Fuck me. Fuck me.

He was taking everything out of me, overpowering my mind with his amazing dick.

I moved my finger back up Kary’s asshole and fucked him with it as he drove his shaft into me. He moaned and rolled his head back when I penetrated him, which I just loved. I wriggled and gyrated my pelvis under his thrusts. They became even deeper and more forceful, as if he wanted to punish me for being so dirty and daring to finger fuck his ass. Maybe he wanted to prove how powerful and in control he was, that he was open enough to take a finger up his ass and still be a man.

He spread his legs out wider, pushing my thighs wider open at the same time. He arched his back more each time he pulled his cock out of me, pushing his ass back and allowing my finger deeper access. Then he would come forward again, driving his thick rod in, filling me with ripples of hot excitement. He was so strong and fit and eager. With each thrust I felt like he was hitting the very deepest place inside of me; sliding firmly and passionately into my moist slit.

Jacqueline leaned forward so that she could lick my clit while I licked her and took her boyfriend’s throbbing cock. This was likely the most overpowering set of sexual sensations that I’ve ever had.

Kary slowed down and from inside his asshole I felt everything contract. I knew that his orgasm was not far off. I rapidly rubbed my finger along the small hard bump that I knew was his prostate. He let out an unchecked moan that came from somewhere deep in his guts.

He pulled his cock out of me and I looked up from between his girlfriend’s legs just in time to see him rubbing himself and see his dick start to spasm and fire large strings of hot cum onto my belly and onto Jacqueline. His asshole clenched down firmly around my finger as he came. Jacqueline moved forward and started to suck him. I moved her legs over so that I could sit up and join in.

The two of us kissed each other around Kary’s still hard dick. Our mouths played together. Then one of us would focus on his balls while the other sucked his head. His shaft was beautiful, slick and glistening in the last light of the day, which entered through the open windows.

It was so hot to hear his noises and be so submissive while still controlling his pleasure. His erection never subsided. He took my head with both hands and fucked my mouth, then he fucked me between my tits, then back into my mouth, into Jacqueline’s mouth, and on and on like this.

Jacqueline started eating my pussy again. I wasn’t looking at her, I had a mouth full of hard dick to fuck on, I could just feel her little licks between my legs. Finally, I came. Everywhere was on fire. I sucked and stroked furiously at Kary’s manhood, begging him to cum again, pleading for his cum on my face. It would be such a nice finish to an unbelievable evening.

And then he pushed my hand away from his rod so he could hold it himself and jerk off. In a matter of seconds I had my wish, more jizz splattered onto my delirious body.

The three of us lay down together on the carpet, kissing and touching for the rest of the night.

I still visit Kary and Jacqueline from time to time. They are engaged and despite some problems from now and then, they seem to be a very good couple. Jacqueline and I have become friends although not super close. I’m glad that things happened the way they did, and that my getting involved hasn’t damaged their relationship. It certainly opened up new doors for me, ones that I hadn’t even considered exploring, like group sex and fucking other women, things which I may decide to try more of some time soon.

Two Girls On The Beach

It was about 1130am on a hot March mid-week day in Perth, Western Australia. I am a 30 year old male, and was heading to a small beach about 40kms north for a day of sunbathing. I tend to go to this beach as it’s a short walk across and around rocks to the beach from the carpark, so it doesn’t get too busy, even on weekends. When I say it doesn’t get busy, usually you only see the odd person or 2, so it allows me to work on my all over tan without heading to the official nude beach further down the coast. Plus, sometimes you get lucky and you get to perve on a young mother or group of sexy young coeds sunning themselves topless, or even better nude. As it’s not a nude beach, people that do swim topless or nude are generally left alone to enjoy the suns rays in peace without the fear of being perved or pestered by dirty old men.

Anyway, as I was rock hopping across the rocks I notice 2 girls (one brunette, one blonde, both the same height at about 5 foot 10’) walking a couple of hundred meters in front of me. All of a sudden, the hat in the brunette’s bag falls out and drops to the sand, and the owner is unaware that the hat was missing.

By the time I get to where the hat was, I glance up the beach and see the girls setting themselves up behind a small sand mound a couple of hundreds meters up the beach, near where I usually go. It wasn’t hard to see where they were as there wasn’t anyone else on the beach on this glorious summer’s day. I pick up the hat with the intensions of returning the hat to its owner once I get to where they are sunning themselves on my way to my sunning place.

As I approached them, I noticed that they had already removed their bikini tops and were rubbing tanning lotion into their young skin. Both girls were beautiful, and either had a day off university or work. I estimate they would have been about nineteen or twenty years old, both with lovely tanned skin and perk boobs that stood straight out like proud beacons.

‘This is your hat, I saw it fall out of your bag a few hundred metres back’, I said. ‘Thanks’ said the brunette, ‘I didn’t even notice that it fell out’. Myself, the blonde and brunette made small talk for a minute or two, without the girls covering themselves up. Trying not to be obvious, I was happy they didn’t as I could have boned up right there and then without thinking too hard about it. They introduced themselves as Nicole (the brunette) and the blonde was Lisa. I was just about to leave when Lisa was frantically search through her bag ‘Damn, I left the SPF 30 suntan lotion back home, looks like we only got the tanning lotion (which is about SPF 4, which you can easily burn under the sun)’. I could see they were concerned about this, so I volunteered mine saying ‘I usually carry 2 bottles of lotion just in case, you are welcome to use this one (handing it to them) and return it when you are finished, I will just be working on my tan just over there. Plus I don’t want you burning your lovely bodies’. ‘Thanks, that’s really kind’, they said in unison.

On that, I walked about 30 metres away and laid my towel out in a small sand depression, where I could see the girls and they could see me. Watching them finish off applying lotion to themselves was erotic to say the least, as I stripped down to my bathers and standing there, slowly applied lotion to my body. I am particularly careful about ensuring that I am covered, however there is always a small section on my back that I can’t reach.

I glanced across to see what the girls were doing, who were stretched out, Lisa on her back and Nicole on her stomach. I had a feeling Nicole was watching me, so with a quick hand movement I removed my bathers and laid down on my towel. It was liberating to feel the sun on my bum, and I rubbed sunburn cream in just in case. Just as I finished, I glanced out of the corner of my eye, and noticed that Nicole had nudged Lisa and both were looking in my direction, having a good perve themselves, not that I minded though as I am a bit of an exhibitionist.

After about 15 minutes I was getting ready to turn over and tan my chest and stomach, I see Nicole getting up and with my sunburn cream in hand, walk over to me. I remain on my stomach, and Nicole sits down on the corner of my oversized towel and returns my cream. We chit chat for a few minutes, when she said she is now going for a swim, and am I going to join her in the water. With that, I stand up, grab her by the hand and stride off to the water. I could see she was glancing at my cock as we went towards the water, and then dove into the cool waters. Nicole yells out to Lisa, who rolls over, stands up and approaches the water. I am amazed how her breast are rock hard, and point straight ahead. She enters the water and swims across to where Nicole and I are. The water is only chest deep, so it’s not a problem for all three of us to stand.

The conversation got around to nude sunbathing and swimming. Both girls said they usually only go topless on the beach, sometimes in G-Strings, but not nude. They said they were a little hesitant, but I insisted it was the only way to swim, and how liberating it was, and suggested they should try it. They were a little hesitant, but Nicole said why not and removed her bikini bottom. She kicked away on her back, and I could just see her bush, which looked trimmed and neatly shaved. With that, Lisa removed hers as well. We continued to swim a bit more, and then decided to get out and sun a bit more. The sight of the 2 naked girls leaving the water with their neatly trimmed bushes was nearly too much for me, and luckily I didn’t have a weak heart. Nicole suggested I get my towel and come and join them. I didn’t need a second invitation, and went to get my towel, quickly. As I got back, the girls were still drying themselves. I laid my towel out, and Nicole laid hers out on my left, and Nicole on my right. I was a little surprised that I was sandwiched between them, but didn’t mind.

I laid down on my stomach, and asked if one of the girls would apply some cream into my back. Both said yes, but Nicole was first to it, rubbing cream into my shoulders and upper back. Lisa, who didn’t want to be left out, grabbed some cream and rubbed it into my lower back and then went even further and rubbed it into my bum cheeks, every now and then just brushing my arsehole and balls. I was feeling like a king at this point. The girls finished, and laid down on their stomachs, and said they needed cream as well. I kneed up, and my cock was now enlarging but only into a semi state. I pushed my leg against Nicole’s thigh, and started rubbing cream into her back. She didn’t mind when I massaged cream with both hands into her firm bum, and down her legs. She moaned with approval, and a sweet ‘Thanks’ was whispered as I finished. I then moved across to Lisa and started rubbing cream into her. Lisa jumped slightly when I started rubbing cream into her bum, but also voiced her approval when I finished. I then laid down, not quite believing how lucky I was to get my hands on two such hotties.

After about 5 minutes, I rolled over onto my back, and started rubbing cream into my chest. Just as I started, Nicole said ‘let me’. I transferred the rest of the cream I had on my hand to hers, and she expertly started rubbing cream into me. It felt like heaven.

Lisa, again not wanting to be left out, stayed on her stomach but started rubbing cream into my shoulder. Nicole worked her way down towards my feet, and stopped to lift my cock from side to side, stroke it a couple of times with cream, and then massage my balls. She said ‘you can’t be too careful now, as the sun can get anywhere.’ I nodded with approval.

Nicole then rubbed the rest of the cream into her breasts, and laid back. She then reached across and started stoking and playing with my balls. I moved my hand across and started sliding it through her trimmed bush, until I found her lips wide and waiting. I started moving my hand and working her pussy with expert technique from years of practice. I moved my other hand onto Lisa, down her bum (she shivered as I touched her arsehole), and found her pussy as well. Soon Lisa’s juices were now flowing as well as I inserted a couple of fingers into her. So here I was lying on my back with an absolute huge erection by now, Lisa on her stomach with my hand rubbing and probing her pussy, and Nicole on her back with me fingering her love hole.

Shortly both girls were starting to buck and raise their bums up and down, and moaning with sweet ‘ohhh yehs’, and ‘oh my god’. Nicole started moaning louder, and I knew she was cumming soon. ‘I never believed nude sunbathing could be this good’ Lisa moaned, who was also starting to leak heavily and on her way to a mighty orgasm. Then all of a sudden, both girls started to buck violently and moaned and yelled their way to huge orgasms both at the same time.

‘WOW’ they both said shakingly. At that Lisa leaned across and started kissing me, and Nicole raised herself to her knees, and took my cock in her mouth and swallowed me whole. I nearly came there and then. Lisa then moved down to my cock as well, and both girls started to work on me. They were taking it in turns, Nicole would swallow me, then slide her mouth off, and then Lisa would do the same. They had obviously done this before, which was absolutely breathtaking.

I couldn’t hang on any longer and said ‘I’m cumming’. With that, Lisa who was currently going down on me, sucked even harder and stayed with her lips locked around the base of my shaft. Kaboom went the first load into the back of Lisa’s throat like a rocket shooting to the moon as she withdrew her mouth and Nicole quickly replacing her mouth where Lisa’s just was. Nicole cleaned up the rest of the cum explosions which had now subsided to a trickle.

At that, both girls leaned across to one another, and kissed each other passionately on the lips, giving each other deep tongue tickles. I felt myself getting hard again at the sight of both of them enjoying each other’s company.

They then both laid down next to me, and cuddled in and started kissing me. I was now turning my head from side to side and kissing them passionately. I could taste the salty cum on their breathe, but eagerly kissed them hard. After a bit of this, they both laid back and we all started giggling and throwing statements like ‘wow, that was great’, ‘I have never orgasmed so hard before’, etc.

After we had all calmed down, we all got up and went for another nude swim and refreshed ourselves. We stayed like this for another hour, resting and relaxing on the sand, gently stroking each other and rubbing more sunburn lotion into each other.

As it was now nearly approaching 2pm, the wind started to come in, and we made plans to leave.

As we got back to the carpark, we exchanged addresses and planned drinks that night at a hotel and then both agreed to sleep over (another story) at my place. We also made a date for another day at the beach, and after that night, it was to be another fuckin good beach day.

Elaine Wants To Be Watched

Simon Hanson considered himself a normal guy. Six feet tall, short brown hair, average build. He wasn’t an Adonis by any measure, but he kept himself in shape as much as he could. He worked in an office, doing an unexciting job, earned an decent wage and owned his own flat in the west end of Glasgow. He’d seen a couple of his friends get married and seen the changes it made to their lives. He almost got married once, but late on in the relationship had suddenly had a moment of clarity and told his girlfriend that she might be getting married, but it wouldn’t be to him. He was thirty years old, and didn’t want to do the acceptable thing and settle down.

He spent a lot of his time thinking about sex, and had had plenty of experiences over the years some of which seemed to fall into his lap in the weirdest circumstances and he enjoyed the freedom that life gave him.

Simon was at a works night out in a pub in West George Street in Glasgow, on a Friday, which was the usual pub for them. It was getting late and he knew he’d need to be heading home quite soon. He’d been talking to a colleague of his, Elaine, earlier and as usual she’d offered him a lift home, as she lived only a couple of miles from him.

Elaine was a couple of years older than him. Average height, pear shaped body with beautiful round hips and ass, not too big. She was probably about a size 12 with nice sized boobs, maybe a 36 C or D he guessed. He spent long enough looking at them. He’d noticed long ago that her blouses gaped open at just the right height to allow an enquiring eye a good view of a boob, or her bra at least. Her hair had always been cut relatively short, in a sexy brown bob. She was sexy as hell all over.

About 11pm, they were sitting at the end of a long table with everyone sitting round it. No-one was listening to their conversation and they were talking about quite personal stuff, and she told him about her last holiday to Las Vegas, where she’d seen a guy in a convertible pull alongside the bus they were in and start to wank himself. She’d told the same story at a team lunch they’d had a week before, and he said this, but she replied;

“I made out like I was disgusted when I was telling everyone, but I actually kind of enjoyed it…it was weird watching him, but it was also…sort of …erotic…seeing him do that to himself in front of me.” She seemed a bit embarrassed to admit it and Simon;

“Well, it’s normal to be turned on watching other people like that.”

“I know. Have you ever seen anyone do that or anything else?” she asked.

“I’ve seen a few things. What did you think of it?” he said, deflecting it back to her.

“I think the guy must like being watched if he was doing that in front of a bus full of people.”

“Yeah, he must get off on it, but I wouldn’t have the nerve to do that in front of a whole bus full of passers by” he said, hoping she’d pick up on something.

“What about in front of a couple of people?” she asked.

“Probably…’ he said “but they’d either need to be very good friends or complete strangers. Someone you could trust not to cause any problems later or someone you’d never see again.”

“When was the last time you did it?” she asked.

“Uh, what do you mean?” He didn’t want to start admitting anything at this point.

“I mean when did you last masturbate?” she said. He would normally have felt weird about talking about this with someone else apart from his best friends, but he was quite drunk by now, though he was still taken aback by the question, so he fired it back at her.

“Well you tell me first, when did you last do it…when did you last masturbate?”

“‘What makes you think I do?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“Come on then, tell me.” she said.

“Well, do you?” he pushed.

“Right, yes, I do, but I asked you first when you last did it.”

“Two days ago….” he said “… what about you?”.

“This morning, before work” she replied. He immediately got horned up at the thought of her playing with her pussy.

“Yeah?!” he said a bit too loudly.

“Yes.” she replied.

“So, you think you would be able to do it in front of other people?” she asked.

“I could, yes.”

“You seem very sure. Have you actually done it before? In front of someone?” He nodded.

“Who was it?” she asked.

“A friend of mine.”

“When was this?”

“A few years ago and…umm…well more recently I suppose” he replied. Her eyes widened at this.

“More recently? How recently?”

“I don’t know, a few months ago.”

“You actually wanked off in front of a friend a few months ago?!”

“Yeah”. Silence.

“I’d like to have seen that” she said quietly, and looking right at him. Silence again.

“You’d like to have seen that?” he asked slowly. She nodded.

“What exactly?” he asked.

“What do you mean, ‘what’?”

“I mean why… it watching two guys wanking themselves, or just watching a guy having a wank?”

“No, I can see that at home” she paused, looking down, “I’d like to have seen you wanking off.”

“Me?” he said incredulously.

“Yes, I’d like to have watched you having a wank” she said very seriously, looking back up at him. He was stunned.

“Did you like being watched by your friend?” she asked.

“Yes” he nodded.

“Would you like someone else to watch you sometime?” she asked slowly.

“What are you getting at?…what…are you offering?” he said, half laughing. She didn’t reply for a few moments, and he thought he had gone a little too far.

“I was talking to Alan a few days ago, cos that’s something we have talked about, you know, being watched, and…we both quite like the idea of being watched, you know…having sex” she said, and he stayed quiet, wondering what the hell she was going to say next.

“We were talking about how to do it, how we’d get someone to get involved, and we thought about advertising for someone over the internet, but though that could be a bit dangerous, then we thought of someone we knew and thought of a few people, but thought it could spoil a friendship if it went wrong…” he stared at her and kept quiet while she spoke “… but then I started to think of other people, and….I thought about you, cos I know you’ve got quite a dirty mind…” she laughed “….and we do get on well, and it had to be with someone I thought was… know….someone I was umm…who I thought was nice, like, who I fancied, and I wanted to speak to you about this sort of thing to see what you thought about it, and God I am going on a bit……..and you seem to like the idea of watching, so I thought I’d ask whether you’d want to……if you’d be interested in seeing…watching us, Alan and me… having… sex. What you do you think?”

“Fuckin hell” he said slowly and he went quiet.

“What do you think…..would you want to?” she asked looking for a reaction.

“Yeah, I would want to….yes…..please” he said dumbly.

“Seriously!? You will?. I was so scared of asking someone, and of asking you to do it.”

“Yeah, I’ll do it. It means I’ll be able to see those boobs of yours after all these years of only seeing little glimpses” he laughed a little.

“What do you mean?”

“Your blouses always gape open at the front and I try to look in to see what I can see.”

“And what did you see?”

“A good bit, but never enough” he laughed.

“Well, I know you’ve looked cos I saw you a few times, standing beside my desk.”

“Christ, was it that obvious?” He felt bad he’d been so obvious about it.

“Don’t worry, you’re not the only one and I used to….well, help it along a little so you could see some flesh, and see if it would have any effect on you, but I never noticed…….did it?” she said.

“Did it have an effect? Yes”,

“You got a hard-on?” she asked, looking surprised.

“Frequently. I wish I’d known you were flashing little bits for me, it would have made it so much better.”

“And I wish I’d known I was giving you hard-ons” she smiled at him looking deep into his eyes. He looked around to make sure no-one had heard her comment, but the rest of the group were engaged in some very drunken conversations.

“Well, you did, and…you do” he said looking back at her and giving his crotch a quick press to check, even though he could feel it throbbing “…..cos I’ve got one right now.”

“Have you…..really?” she said sounding amazed, her eyes widening. He squeezed his dick through his trousers, to show the shape of it.

“See?” He could see her looking at it for a few seconds.

“Can……can… I touch it?” she asked glancing along the table, feeling nervous herself about the conversation they were having.

“Go on” he said, and she did. Her slender fingers pressed down on his bulge at the tip of his cock sending feelings through his body, and it pulsed which she felt immediately. He saw her eyes staring at it, and she pressed her palm onto his bulge and ran it along the length of his penis, then withdrew it quickly knowing how risky it was.

“That felt nice” he said, breathing slightly harder. “Does Alan know you were going to ask me tonight?”

“Yeah, I’ve to phone him and let him to know what you said.”

“When were you wanting to do this?”

“Soon, not tonight. What about tomorrow night?”

“Excellent……” he said “….and what about, like, some groundrules. How far do we go?”.

“Well I’m going to fuck Alan in front of you” she said plainly.

“I know, but what about me, can I have a wank when you’re doing it?”

“God, yeah, you’re not just going to sit there and watch, I want you to join in” she said. He was trying to find out exactly what his role was, and whether he’d be able to touch her, as he’d fantasised about for years, and if she would give him a hand with his cock.

“When you say join in, what do you mean…..exactly?”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to play with two guy’s dicks at the one time, so if you’ve got no objections, you could lend me your dick to play with when Alan’s fucking me.”

“Sure, no problem there.” He was surprised at her admission but horned up at the thought of it.

“Will I be able to touch you as well, or is it just one way?” he asked very hopefully.

“No, that’s okay, you can touch me if you want”


“Yeah, anywhere. Let’s just say for just now there’s no rules, alright?” He took a sip of his pint, conscious of his massive hard-on and wondering what the fuck was going to happen the next night.

She said she was going to call Alan to pick her up, and give him a lift home as well, as arranged.

When they went outside, Alan was there in his car, and Simon got into the back seat, Elaine in the front. Simon and Alan didn’t know each other very well as they only ever seemed to meet when Simon was getting a lift home. She’d told him on the phone that Simon had agreed to it, and Alan looked a bit uncomfortable when he first got into the car, but Elaine got talking and was saying to him she’d spoken to him about it and about what would happen. Alan turned to Simon and said;

“Are you alright with this then, you don’t think it’s a bit weird?”

“No, I’m okay with it, what about you though, you won’t think it’s weird me seeing Elaine like that?” although he had to admit to himself that it was a weird situation to be in.

“That’s part of it for us, knowing someone we know, well Elaine knows, watching us doing that.”

“He’s turned on right now…” she said, and Simon saw her hand in Alan’s lap as he drove “…aren’t you darling?”, and Alan nodded.

“So am I, to be honest” Simon said. She looked at Alan, then back to Simon.

“Do you want to come back and watch us just now?”

“What about tomorrow night?” he asked.

“Yeah, I still want to do that, but because Alan’s so horny just now, I’ll need to suck him off when I get home, so you might as well come with us to watch.”

“Yeah, okay” he mumbled, trying to imagine what he was about to witness.

Alan drove to their house, and Simon followed them in, starting to feel very nervous, although he was quite drunk. Elaine was drunk as well. In their living room, Alan sat down on the large red sofa, and Elaine beside him. Simon sat opposite in a single chair, waiting. Alan relaxed back in his own chair and let Elaine run her hands over his chest then down to his crotch.

“Still hard…..” she said “…it must be bursting in there, let’s get it out” and she unzipped his trousers, and pulled them open and down a little, fumbling around inside trying to prise his cock from the restraints of his trousers. It flipped out, and she held it firmly with her slim fingers round the shaft, and looked across at Simon.

“He has got a nice cock hasn’t he?”.

“I suppose so” he said. He had never seen her looking so sexy. Looking into his eyes with a cock in her hand and about to take it into her mouth. Those days in the office would never be the same again. He knew this picture would flash constantly through his mind.

She started to wank him, slowly, using the full length of his cock, and then bent down, licked the tip, and slipped her mouth just over the knob. He gasped loudly. He looked down at her, then over at Simon and they just smiled nervously at each other. She was running her lips down the whole length of his cock, and he rolled his head back, and closed his eyes. Simon could hear the quiet slurping noises of her saliva on his penis as she sucked him. She broke off, and masturbated him, and looked over at him.

“Are you still hard?” she asked.


“Get it out then.”

“I don’t know if…I don’t really want to…I’ll wait til tomorrow” he said stumbling over his words.

“Go on. Even if you don’t want to wank just now…just let me see it.”

He unzipped his jeans, and pulled his boxers down, so his shaft was sticking right up. He pressed his thumb against the base to make to it stand more vertically.

“Let me see your balls too.”

He pulled his clothes down further so his balls were on view and automatically grasped his cock to give himself a little release from the feelings that were coursing through it. She was staring at it, and still wanking her husband.

“Are you bald down there?”

“Yeah, I keep it trimmed.”

“You shave yourself? Alan doesn’t do that”

“It also makes it look a bit bigger, which is handy”

“How big are you?” she asked, her hand stopping as she looked at this other man’s cock.

“Just over eight inches.”

Her hand started moving again as she took in the view of Simon’s cock.

“Nice” she said, as she slipped her mouth over Alan’s dick again. Simon wanked himself gently, not even trying to make himself come, as it would be difficult anyway, with the amount he’d had to drink. She sucked Alan as she looked across at Simon. Alan moaned that he was going to come soon, and she lifted off.

“Can I not come in your mouth?” he gasped.

“I want to see it. And I want Simon to see it as well.” She wanked his cock, speeding up, and Simon could see him concentrating. His eyes were closed, and he started to push his hips forward, and they were both watching his cock as he started to come, grunting as he spurted a massive fountain of spunk into the air, splattering down on his belly and over Elaine’s hand.

Simon was wanking himself harder as well but feeling as though he wasn’t getting anywhere, though it was a huge turn on to see Elaine’s hand covered in spunk, and seeing that erect penis shooting off right in front of her face made Simon’s cock throb even more.

Alan’s cock shot about five hard spurts of spunk mostly landing on his belly, but a good coating was over her hand. He looked exhausted, and just sat with his head lying back and eyes closed, his still hard cock in her hand. She let go and the strings of spunk were hanging between her hand and his cock. She wiped her hand on his thigh, but Simon could see it was still shiny with his juices. Alan looked absolutely fucked. He opened his eyes, and just muttered “Jesus…”

“Are you going to do it?” she said to Simon.

“No…..I can’t…..I’m a bit pissed. I’ll just save it til tomorrow” he said, still holding his erect shaft up straight so she could see it, which she could, and he could see her looking at it intently.

“I’d better go” he said, and pushed his cock back into his trousers, and tried to do up his zip but couldn’t. He stood up to adjust his jeans around cock, and closed up his zip.

He sorted his clothes made a move to leave. Alan said he’d get the car and Elaine wiped him down with a tissue, then the two guys left to go to the car. It was only a ten minute journey, and they talked briefly about Elaine.

“You know she wants to have two guys, don’t you?” he said.

“Yeah, she told me she wanted to play with two dicks at the one time.”

“I know, she wants to see if she can suck two at the one time, are you alright with that?” he said.

“She wants to suck my cock?”

“Did she not say?”

“She said there was no rules, but I didn’t know exactly what she meant….you know, how far I could go.”

“Like I said, she does want to suck you. She said she wasn’t sure about having sex with you, but I think she was just saying that to spare my feelings, but I want to see her do that with another guy, so you can be almost sure she’ll fuck you tomorrow night, but don’t let her know that I said that. Just go with the flow and let her say what happens.”


The next night, Alan arrived to pick up Simon, and they drove back. Simon thought he could see that Alan had a hard-on, and he did too. He had to adjust himself, and Alan noticed this.

“Looking forward to this?” he said. Simon nodded. At their house, they went into the living room again, where Elaine was sitting. Alan poured some drinks, and they wasted no time, partly because the ice had been broken the night before.

“Are you going to let him see your boobs?” Alan said, and with that Elaine stood up and walked over to Simon who was still standing and stood in front of him and unbuttoned her blouse, opened it showing her lacy bra. He looked down at her breasts, marvelling at the texture of her flesh in the swell of her deep cleavage. He’d never seen that much before.

As the pulled her blouse open unveiling her chest he could see a hint of her nipple through the lace. She dropped her blouse then quickly unhooked her bra, and shrugged it off her shoulders. Holding it at the front, she slowly slid it down her breasts, almost stopping before the lace slid over her nipples, freeing the breasts he’d thought about so many times before. They were full, and rounded, with dark smooth nipples, and swayed gently when she moved. He immediately unzipped himself, and grasped his penis, and gave it a slow wank to relieve some of pressure.

“I hope you don’t mind. I can’t help it” he said.

“Not at all, you go ahead” she replied and knelt down in front of him, and looked closely at his cock, then moved forward and brushed her tits across his knob, so it slipped in between her cleavage, then she stood up. It felt so good to have her smooth skin against his cock.

She loosened her black trousers and let them slide to the floor then bent down to slip off her panties, and Simon got a view of her ass, and a glimpse of pussy when she bent over. She turned to show him her nakedness. Her pussy looked well trimmed. She went over to Alan and sat beside him on the sofa. He took his trousers off, freeing his erect cock and then his shirt, so he was naked too. She rubbed her hand over his balls, massaging them then started to wank him. After a minute of doing this and looking over at Simon, making eye contact, then lowered her mouth onto his tool. When she leaned further over, her legs opened and Simon had an amazing view of her pussy, and he started to wank himself harder. She stopped sucking, and said:

“I need a fuck now”.

She moved and sat astride Alan, and with her back to Simon, guided his erection into her hole. She leant forward into him, and Simon could see her pussy lips being stretched around the shaft and her puckered asshole. She turned half round, to watch Simon and said; “Take your trousers right off so I can see you.” He stood up and slipped them off, and went over to the chair opposite them and sat down.

“And your shirt, you might as well get completely naked”. Simon pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor.

She looked Simon up and down as she bounced very gently on her husband’s cock, and he saw her eyes linger on his crotch.

“It does look bigger with no hair down there, though I think you’re big enough anyway.”

“I think it looks better.” Alan had leant round to have a look as well, and stopped fucking to look at Simon’s cock.

“Come here so I can see it.” she said. He walked over and stood naked beside them, his erection wobbling in front of him. She stared at it and gently started fucking her husband again.

“Can I touch it?” she asked. Simon nodded and she rubbed her hand across his belly, just above his cock, where the hair was very sparse.

“It feels good.”

“I mainly do my balls so they feel smooth.” She ran her hand down onto his testicles, briefly brushing her fingertips against the shaft of his cock.

“They are so smooth” as she ran her hands round and under his balls, cupping and stroking them. As she fondled Simon’s balls she ground down on Alan’s cock moving her hips in a circular motion, then started sliding up and down his cock more vigorously as she let go of Simon’s balls.

He sat on the sofa next to them, wanking himself, as they both watched. She bounced up and down on Alan quite hard to drive his cock into her, and bent over him so her tits slapped against his face. He got her nipple between his lips and sucked hard on it. After a few minutes fucking, she slowed and slipped off his dick, then knelt down in front of them both, and said to move together. Alan and Simon moved closer together, but not touching.

She then took a cock in each hand, and started to wank them with both hands.

She did it very slowly, just watching her hands sliding up and down each shaft, so their foreskins slid up and down.

“Move closer to each other” and they did, so their thighs were pressed hard against each other, she held their dicks again, and moved closer, pulling their cocks towards each other, making them have to twist until their knobs were touching. Simon looked down at his cock head sliding against Alan’s and pushed his hips forward. Elaine opened her mouth wide, and slipped her lips over both cock heads, and closed her mouth around as much as she could, swirling her tongue over the glans.

It was impossible to suck any more into her mouth, but it was enough for them. For Alan, watching his wife suck another guy’s cock was a huge turn on and for Simon it was like a dream.

She released the cocks and then put just Simon back into her mouth. She sucked firmly on his knob, and slid his whole length in.

He watched her intently, seeing her saliva shine on his skin as her lips trailed along his penis.

He reached down with both hands, and cupped her breasts which were swinging back and forth as she sucked him. They were wonderfully soft and heavy and he pinched her nipples, which made her moan and her suck harder on his cock.

“Alan, I want you to fuck me again, get behind me” she said quickly, hardly missing a stroke. Alan got on the floor, and positioned himself behind her, and eased his erection into her pussy, and she moaned which had an amazing effect on Simon’s cock, sending orgasmic feelings coursing through it, from the vibrations of her mouth.

Alan fucked Elaine, and Elaine sucked Simon. Occasionally she would take him out her mouth, as Alan started to fuck her harder, and just wank him, and his cock shaft would rub across her face. Simon just lay back and relaxed while she sucked and wanked him for ten minutes, as Alan shafted her hard from behind.

He didn’t come, and pulled out of her, and sat beside Simon on the sofa again, to his left. Elaine sat between them and took their cocks in her hands and wanked both of them again. Simon stroked her thigh, edging towards her pussy, then trailed his fingers over her pussy, which was soaking. Pressing, he slipped a finger inside her, and finger fucked her gently. He leant down and took her nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking as her nipple grew hard, and gently biting on it, for a minute. His finger alternating between her clit and her hole. She lay back and let him do it, and soon started to come, she moaned deeply, and pushed down on his hand.

Her hands were still around the two cocks, but with no real rhythm, and Alan was loving watching his wife get fingered by someone else.

Her head rolled from side to side, as her orgasm built up, her breasts heaving with her deep breathing. Her legs fell further open as she gasped and squealed as she came, her head falling forward to watch Simon’s fingers in her, her pelvis thrusting down onto his hand. Her head flew back, and he felt her pussy muscles contract around his fingers several times, and rubbed her clit harder for her. She seemed in a dreamlike state, as she moaned and groaned through her orgasm. She soon quietened, and her breathing slowed. He slowed down on her clitoris, and just rubbed gently for a minute after to bring her down slowly. She opened her eyes.

“That was good” she said quietly. “I want you to fuck me” she said looking at Simon.

“Are you sure?” he was surprised. She looked at Alan and back to him.

“Yes. Fuck me. Use that big cock to fuck me” she said simply.

Simon slid onto the floor, and moved between her legs. Putting his hands on her knees, he pushed them apart slowly, and her glistening pussy came into view, and he saw her lips peel apart. She slid down a little on the sofa, and Simon started to wank himself to get his cock as hard as possible, then he went down on his hands and knees, and said;

“I’ve got to do this.”

He got his face as close to her pussy as he could, and slowly licked up the length of her slit, up to her clitoris, which was still a little sensitive and he felt her twitch as his tongue touched it. She was looking down at him and he looked up and their eyes met as he pressed his tongue against her pussy again. He used his fingers to pull her labia apart as far as he could and he could see the pink of her vagina, shiny with her juices, and her cunt hole.

He licked her again, but this time pushed his tongue deep into her hole, so his chin was against her asshole, and his nose was squashed into her pubic hair. He tongue fucked her as best as he could, then got up on his knees, and grasped his hard-on, pulled his foreskin back to show his deep purple knob, and pushed it against her pussy, then pulled it up, so her cunt lips, pulled round it. Next push, and it slipped in easily. She was so wet. It plunged right in so he was balls deep in her, and his belly was against her pussy.

He held himself there, and could feel the warmth of her cunt around his cock. He drew out slowly, and saw her juices slick on his shaft. Slowly he entered her again, and then started to fuck her at a steady pace, occasionally shafting her hard, so his balls slapped against her asshole. She jerked her hips back at him, and really drove her pussy onto his dick. He knew he was getting closer to coming, and said so.

“Do you want me to come inside you, is that okay?”

“No, I want Alan to come inside me, and I want you to do it over me as Alan fucks me.”

He fucked her for a while longer but kept the pace slow, occasionally building up to an orgasm then controlling himself so he wouldn’t blow his load inside her. Eventually he pulled out and positioned himself beside her as Alan got between her legs.

He watched as her husband slid his cock into her and started to fuck her, and she started to wank him, pulling his cock against her tits. He loved seeing her nipple rubbing against his knob, and he rubbed his palm over her breast, down her belly, to her pussy to rub her clit and he let his fingers slide against Alan’s penis and felt his hardness rubbing against the side of his hand.

“Move up a little” she said. He did, and she took his cock in her mouth and sucked gently on him as he masturbated her. She licked very slowly around his cock head and glans. Alan watched his wife lick another man’s cock and said he was going to come soon. He started fucking her harder, and Simon watched her boobs slide up and down her chest as she took the pounding. Her mouth was still on his cock, and he felt his orgasm approaching as well. Alan slowed, stiffened and groaned deeply as he came inside her, and pumped her in rhythm with his spunk unloading into her pussy.

She let Simon’s cock out of her mouth and grasped it and wanked him hard as she felt Alan’s spunk rush into her. Her mouth was open and she wanked Simon’s cock into her face, and watching Alan coming, tipped Simon over the edge, and he came too. Elaine felt his cock pulse in her hand, and looked at it to see his come, and she did. He spurted onto her chin as his cock started pumping, then stream after stream of white come flew out, and covered her cheek, and then her tits as she pointed his cock down. She was closely watching the head of his cock as he spunked all over her and moaning as if she was coming again. She kept wanking him like an expert and drew out all his come onto her body until he was spent. He let his breath out slowly as he felt the feelings still rushing through his cock, but subsiding. She kept gently stroking him, and then wanked his cock into her open mouth so a drop of his sperm dropped onto her tongue and closed her mouth around his cock. It felt painfully sensitive as she sucked on him, tasting his spunk.

Alan withdrew from her and he saw some thick drops of come on the tip of his cock. He immediately went down and licked her tasting her juices mixed with his own. She let Simon slip out of her mouth, and his cock trailed across the spunk on her cheek, smearing it down the way. He groped her tits and smoothed his come over her nipples. Alan saw this and did the same, getting Simon’s spunk all over his hands.

Simon then relaxed back onto the sofa and watched Elaine lying there covered in his spunk, savouring the sight.

She trailed her fingers through the thin film of sperm, down to her cunt and started to finger herself, shoving several fingers into her hole. Pulling her fingers out, she offered them to Simon to taste. He leant forward to took her slim fingers into his mouth and tasted her juices, and could still recognise the taste of spunk. His own and Alans.

“Thanks for coming, we’ll do it again sometime, maybe even at work. You never know.”

The Massage

I have been hinting around to Julie my wife, that I would like to see another man, massaging her and playing with her body as I watched.

I finally asked her one night as we were laying in bed, “Would you like to get an erotic massage from another man as I watch?”.

Julie hesitantly said, ” Yes.”

I casually mentioned one day at work with a co-worker that we were looking for a masseuse to give my wife a massage. My co-worker said that he knew of one he and his wife use from time to time, and that he satisfies his wife in every way imaginable.

I called the masseuse one day, talked with him for several minutes and decided to make an appointment with him to give my wife Julie a erotic massage.

One night while Julie and I were in bed I told her, ” I had found someone to give her a massage and I think that you will enjoy it.” I told her, “I have him scheduled to give you a massage on Saturday night.”

Julie said, “Are you sure about this?”

I said, “Yes I am , I have talked with him and he seems like a nice guy.”

Saturday finally arrived. I could tell that Julie was excited.

She kept asking me,” What he was like?”

I kept telling her, “It’s a surprise.”

I took my wife out to our favorite Italian restaurant, and we both had her have a few drinks with our meal. I had arranged it to where this masseuse that I had found would come over to our house after we got back from our night out on the town.

Julie and I came home from our night out, it was about 7:00pm. We both took a hot shower and waited for him to arrive. After 20 minutes we heard a knock at the door. I answered the door.

Julie called from the bedroom , “Come here would you please?”

I asked Scott to come in, and excused myself and went to see what Julie wanted.

Julie said “I would like it much better if I had massage in the soft bed rather than the hard massage table that he has brought.”

I told Scott, “Julie would prefer her massage on the bed rather than his table.”

Scott said, “No problem, I several clients that like to be massaged on the bed rather than the table.”

Julie excused herself to the bathroom before Scott could see her. Scott went into the bedroom and spread a blanket on the bed and told me to get Julie ready for her massage by having her remove all her clothing, and to have her lie face down on the bed .

Scott excused himself to the kitchen to get his oils that he had brought warmed up.

Julie emerged from the bathroom looking nervous.

I told Julie, “There is nothing to worry about. I had checked this guy out and he is not any threat.” It seemed to put her mind at ease.

Once in the bedroom, I helped Julie out of her robe and had her lay on the bed crossways so that Scott could get to her body better. Julie had really gotten a little to tipsy from the drinks that she had earlier, but was ok.

I said ” I am going to help with your massage tonight, so just relax and enjoy your massage.”

Julie said, “I will try.”

She had no idea what was in store for her.

I told Julie that if she became uncomfortable about anything to say so and things would stop.

Julie gave me a wink and said, “I trust you”.

I turned off all the lights, closed all the curtains, and lit several small candles and placed them around the bed.

I went into the kitchen to tell Scott that Julie is ready. I could tell that Scott was excited about giving Julie a massages due to the large bulge in the front of his pants.

Scott said “Give me a few minutes. I want to warm my oils up a little more.”

Scott and I had talked some while in the kitchen.

Scott said ” Whatever you two feel comfortable with, I will feel comfortable with it too.” After a short pause he added, “Are you a jealous person?”

I said ” No, I am not a jealous person, I just want Julie to feel special , I will go along with what ever she wants.”

Scott smiled and said “Then get ready for an exciting night.”

I returned to the bedroom After a few minutes Scott entered the bedroom.

Julie took a deep breath and she said quietly to me, “Here we go.”

Scott asked Julie , “Are you looking forward to the massage. ”

Julie said, “Yes, I have looked forward to it since my husband had mentioned a massage to me.”

Scott said, “Are there any spots that needs special attention?”

Julie said “All over.”

Scott just grinned and said, ” I think I can take care of those spots to your satisfaction.”

Scott said, “Are you ready?”

Julie said, “Yes!”

Scott asked , ” Do you have a preference in what type of massage you would like?”

Julie said ,”I just want it to feel good.”

Scott said, “Ok, lets get started.”

Scott poured oil on Julies back and massaged her with long strokes, moving from her shoulders down to the tops of her hips, occasionally stroking her sides making sure not to miss her breasts. Julie moaned with every stroke. Scott was working his magic on her. I saw Julie relaxing for the first time in many years. Scott worked on her back for a long time getting all the knots out.

Scott then moved to her butt cheeks. I could see that Julie was squirming slightly to his touch. With every stroke he would slightly spread her cheeks exposing her anus. It was apparent that she was enjoying his touch…she was spreading her legs slightly and lifting her butt when his hands would stroke close to her ass hole. Scott saw what she was doing, so he ran a finger across her anus. Julie let out a moan when he did . Scott looked at me and smiled when she let out the moan. Both of us knew what Julie was wanting.

Scott poured warm oil on her cheeks and let it run down into the crack of her ass. When Julie felt the oil she spread her legs and slightly lifted her butt up off the bed exposing her anus and pussy for Scott to see. Scott slid his fingers down the crack of her ass and began rubbing and pushing just the tip of his finger into the opening of her butt hole making sure not to enter her anal ring.

Julie began breathing even harder and squirming more with each stroke.

While Scott was exploring Julie’s butt hole, I was fingering her pussy. Julie’s pussy was extremely wet. I could see that the blanket that she was laying on was soaked from her pussy juices that was flowing from her. I slid my fingers inside her pussy, searching for her G-spot.

I could see that Scott had a hard on thru his pants. I had a raging hard on as well. My penis was struggling for freedom, so I removed my pants and underwear. When Scott saw me removing my pants he removed his also. I was amazed at the size of Scott’s penis. It had to be at least 7 or 8 inches in length and very thick. Julie knew that we were removing our pants.

Julie began moving her hands, searching for cock.

I was watching Julie’s hand as she searched for Scott’s penis. When Julie found his penis she gasped. She was startled by the size of his massive cock. She tried to wrap her fingers around it, but could not because of the girth of his shaft. She began stroking it slowly at first, playing with his large mushroom head, then increasing the speed of her strokes. I could see that Scott was beginning to leak large amounts of pre-cum from the head of his cock. Julie could feel his warm fluid. Julie could not stand not seeing his massive cock and the pre-cum she was feeling with her fingers any longer, so she turned her head looking down to see what her hand was stroking. I could see Julie smile when she saw it for the first time. Julie ran her thumb into the slit of his penis making Scott leak even more pre-cum.

I was enjoying the sight of Julie playing with another mans cock so much I moved to head of the bed, where Julie still could stroke my cock and where I had a ringside seat of the action that was taking place.

Scott then started massaging her legs. I could see that with every stroke Scott was making on her legs, Julie was spreading her legs farther and farther apart. I could see him looking between her legs, while licking his lips. I could tell what Scott is wanting. He was wanting to run his tongue over and in my wife’s pussy. Julie could tell this was very exciting to me by the amount of pre-cum that was leaking from my cock. And as the more excited I became, the more Julie lost her inhibitions with Scott.

Scott positioned himself between Julies legs. With every stroke of her legs, Scott’s hands would go further and further up Julie’s thigh until he was brushing the hair between her legs with his fingers. Julie would let out a slight moan and her ass cheeks would flex every time Scott would touch her ass. By the time Scott was done with her legs, you could see the glisten from the moisture that was running from her wet pussy onto the blanket. Scott finished with her legs and said, “Roll over so that I can do your front.”

Julie let go of my cock and rolled over. I could see that Scott was looking at my wife’s beautiful big breasts as she turned over. Julie is enjoying two men looking at and touching her naked body.

Julie reached for my cock again and began stroking it.

Scott stood next to Julie’s head.

Scott began rubbing her shoulders and neck.

Julie said, “That feels sooo good.”

Julie was enjoying the massage as well as being touched in her intimate places. Julie turned her head to look at Scott’s cock. As Scott massaged warm oil on her neck I could see Julie move her hand to her side reaching for Scott’s cock again. Instead of stroking Scott’s cock, Julie pulled his cock to her face as she parted her lips. Scott looked down and gently thrust his hips forward, just far enough for Julie to envelope the swollen mushroom head of his cock into her mouth. Julie ran her tongue over the head of his cock, licking the pre-cum off . Scott was enjoying the massage as much as Julie and I was. As Julie licked the head of Scott’s cock , Julie stroked me faster and faster. I could hear the wet sucking sounds from Julie sucking on his cock. Seeing and hearing the sounds of Julie sucking on another mans cock excites me more than anything and is something that I will never get tired of. Julie sucked on Scott’s cock for some time. Julie craned her neck trying to take in as much of Scott’s cock into her mouth as she could. Scott being so long and wide, Julie could not get the entire shaft of Scott’s penis in her mouth.

Scott pulled his penis out of Julie’s mouth still hard and moved down to her side to massage the rest of her body. Julie turned her head to me and opened her mouth wanting my penis in her mouth now. Julie took my penis in her mouth and feverishly began sucking my cock.

Scott poured warm oil on Julie’s chest and began massaging her breasts paying particular attention to her nipples. Julie placed her hand to her side reaching for Scott’s penis. Finding his still hard penis with her hand she began stroking him. Julie would let out a moan every time Scott would touch and gently pinch her nipples. Julie’s nipples got rock hard from his first touch. Scott knew she enjoyed her breasts and nipples being touched . So Scott bent down and took her nipple into his mouth and began sucking and caressing her .

Julie started moving her hips from side to side. I could tell that having another mans hands touching, caressing her body, was turning my wife on. I had never seen Julie like this……. and I had never thought I would see Julie so turned on by a massage.

Scott continued massaging Julie’s breasts. The more Scott would play with her nipples, the deeper Julie’s breathing got. Scott was sucking on her nipples, taking one into his mouth then the other. Hearing the sounds of another man sucking on my wife’s nipples and the moans that she would let out was driving me crazy.

Scott moved from Julie’s breast to her lower belly. Scott poured oil on her belly and began massaging it in. Scott would massage lower and lower until he was running his hands over the little tuft of hair that was over my wife’s pussy. Julie had her legs slightly parted, allowing easy access to her pussy.

Scott poured copious amounts of warm oil right onto Julie’s hot pussy and began to gently rub her clit with the tip of his finger. Julie began trembling when Scott touched her. I was watching Scott and could see everything he was doing to her. This was such a turn on for me. My wife being touched by another man. Scott looked at me as if for approval to go on. I smiled and nodded back to Scott. Scott nodded back to me. Scott then placed his left hand on Julie’s right thigh and spread her legs apart. Scott then reached with his right hand and slid his middle finger deep inside of my wife Julie’s wet pussy. I watched as she arched her back and gasped. I could hear the sweet sounds of her wet pussy as she was being fingered by Scott.

After a few minutes of fingering Julie’s pussy, Scott lifted Julie’s leg and lowered his mouth between her legs. Scott was eating my wife’s pussy, and she was really enjoying it, as was I. I watched closely as Scott slid his tongue over her clit. I reached down and grabbed hold of both of my wife’s legs and held them in the air while Scott ate my wife out. Her hips began to squirm as he drove his tongue deep into her pussy. Her moans got louder and louder. I could not believe how excited Julie was.

I asked my wife “Does that feel good to you?”

Julie said, “Yes.”

After a few minutes Scott rose up. He moved up higher between Julie’s legs. While still holding my wife’s legs in the air, Scott positioned himself between Julie’s legs .

My wife Julie knew what was in store next. A really good fucking.

My wife looked up at me and asked, “Are you ok with this?”

I looked down at her and said, “Yes, If you are.”

With that Scott took his cock in his hand and guided it to my wife’s pussy opening. Scott looked at me. I nodded to him, giving him permission to fuck my wife. Scott tried several times to penetrate my wife’s pussy. He was much bigger than I am, so it took several tries before he was able to penetrated her. Julie has a very tight pussy for me , so I can only imagine how tight she was for him. Scott started off slowly. Allowing my wife’s pussy to stretch to accommodate his thick cock. Then he started to pump faster.

My wife looked up at me and said, “I love you.”

I said, “I love you too.” “Does that feel good to you?”

She looked up at me and said, “Yes.”

I looked down between my wife’s legs . Watching Scott’s cock sliding in and out of my wife’s pussy is the most exciting thing I have ever seen. I was enjoying the sight of Scott pumping his cock in and out of my wife’s pussy. Faster and faster Scott pumped. With each pump he went deeper and deeper. I looked at my wife’s face as she was getting fucked. She looked so damn sexy and so turned on. I reached down between her legs and started rubbing her clit, as Scott was sliding in and out of her.

Julie said, “I am going to cum!”

I said, “Cum for me baby”

She shuddered with a orgasm. Then another, then another. .

Scott was going deep into my wife’s pussy. Scott got on his knee’s and started fucking her even harder. Julie turned her head and took my cock in her mouth again. Sucking it harder than ever.

I asked her, ” Do you like him fucking you?”

Julie nodded yes.

Watching Scott fuck my wife so hard and fast was getting me close to cumming.

I could see that Scott was getting ready to cum.

I held off until I hear Scott say, ” I’m cumming!”

I couldn’t hold it any longer. The thought of another man cumming inside of my wife sent me over the edge.

I told my wife, “I’m going to cum!”

Scott was cumming deep in my wife’s pussy at the same time I was cumming in her mouth.

Scott thrust hard and deep as he came.

Scott ‘s body shuddered several times, as he drained his balls deep inside of my wife.

I could feel my body shake as I shot my load inside of my wife’s mouth.

I couldn’t believe it. Scott and I both filled my wife full of cumm at the same time.

I looked at my beautiful and very sexy wife Julie. Laying there on her back. Scott’s spent cock in her pussy and my spent cock in her mouth. Julie looked very, very satisfied and content. As well as Scott and myself.

Scott stopped pumping and was resting while still inside of my wife. After a few minutes Scott pulled his cock out of my wife. It was still very long and thick.

Julie had swallowed all of my cumm and was enjoying the feel of my cock in her mouth. I pulled my cock from her mouth.

Scott got up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

Julie and I sat there and visited with Scott for a while.

After drinking a few drinks, Scott said he had to go.

We all decided that we will get together again soon.

Scott left for home and Julie and I went to bed and made love, then fell asleep.

The post The Massage appeared first on Free Sex Stories from Sex Stories Time.


Ryan pushed the heavy cart containing at least on hundred books down the narrow library aisles, stopping occasionally to return the volumes to their proper place. To most people rummaging around a bunch of dusty books and periodicals would be a chore to be avoided at all costs, but Ryan was different, he loved feel of the books in his hands and the aroma of old manuscripts filling his nose, but especially the wealth of information found like buried treasure between the sometimes frayed covers. He was only eighteen, but already he knew what he wanted to do with his life, go to college, major in library science, and become a curator for some large research library. He wasn’t interested in checking books in and out, or sending out past due notices to tardy borrowers, no, he wanted to get into old manuscripts, first editions, and rare writings from days gone by. For now, though, just being able to work at something he truly loved was enough for him. He glanced at his watch, and said to himself, “Five minutes to closing, I better get hustling, it’s gonna take at least an hour to get all these put away!” Working at a quick pace, Ryan was almost finished restacking, when it happened, standing on the short step stool needed to reach the upper shelf, his foot slipped and he came tumbling to the floor, landing with a loud thud. The force with which he had hit the floor had been noisy enough that the head librarian, Miss Vance had heard it and brought her running. When she got to him, what she found was and unconscious Ryan, with blood trickling down his forehead.

Miss Vance practically ran to the rest room and wet a towel with cold water and rushed back to Ryan. When she got there he was trying to shake out the cob webs, but his head was pounding, and he was still too shaky to stand up. Miss Vance gently dabbed the blood from his brow and asked, “What in the world happened Ryan, you just must be more careful!?!” Ryan tried to stand up, but slipped back to the floor, only to be caught in Miss Vance’s arms. “Don’t try to get up yet,” she ordered in her usual stern voice, “just lie back and relax for a few minutes!” Miss Vance was a very strict and formal woman, about fifty Ryan guessed, with a manor that bespoke respect and decorum. No matter the weather or time of year, she always wore a white blouse, a medium length skirt, and a ladies blazer or jacket, usually gray or dark blue, while sometimes to add a little color she would wear a gay scarf around her neck. With her black hair pulled back in a severe bun, and her erudite personality, it wasn’t easy to carry on a conversation with her, let alone have any type of interpersonal relationship, but right now he was as close to Miss Vance as he ever had been, and in his hazy mental state due to his fall he wasn’t exactly sure what was happening. Although she wore unrevealing clothing and acted cool and aloof to her employees, Harriett Vance couldn’t disguise the fullness of her body which was dominated by a large full chest that she tried to keep hidden from view!

On more than one occasion Ryan had caught himself staring at the twin mountains that were stuffed inside the heavy wool blazer, only to look away quickly when he realized she had detected his voyeuristic game. Now lying in her arms, shaken from the fall, and with her boobs just inches from his face, Ryan reached out and caressed the bulging softness beneath the thick coat. If he had been even slightly in control of his faculties, he never would have chanced it, but the lure of the massive chest was too much for him to bear. Now, the really strange thing about all of this was Harriett Vance’s reaction, which in fact was no reaction at all! She could tell that the young lad was totally out of it, and well, the touch of his hand on her chest did indeed feel wonderful, so what would be the harm in letting him have a little fun if he wouldn’t remember it anyway, and besides, it had been a very long time since anyone had made her chest feel so good. After several minutes of groping, Ryan began to regain his senses, and after making sure he was well enough to walk, Miss Vance sent him on home before she finished restacking the books and then went home herself.

The next day seemed like any other, people flowing in and out of the library, returning and borrowing books, kids coming in to borrow children’s videos, and just the ordinary events that surrounded the day in a large public library. Ryan arrived to work at six o’clock as usual, tonight however, he sported a large bandage covering a gash over his right eye. He filled his cart with returns and set to the task of restocking the shelves until at eight o’clock Miss Vance shooed out the remaining visitors and locked the front door, before then returning to her small office just to the right of the main desk. She was reading a brochure from a book company when she was interrupted by a knock on the door, “Come in, Ryan,” she called out, after setting down her reading materials while waiting to see what the boy wanted. Ryan came into the office and seemed to hesitate, as if he was very nervous. “Yes,” she intoned? “Well ma’am, about last night, I mean, well, you know what I mean,” he stammered! “No,” she replied, “I don’t know what you mean!” “Well,” he continued, “when I was on the floor, you let me, you know…..” “Let you what,” she said sternly!?!

“Touch you, feel your, you know what I mean,” he replied, and then taking the absolute chance of his life, walked around the desk and reached out and felt he big boobs for the second straight night! Unsure if she would scream or just slap him, Ryan continued rubbing her chest, hoping that she wouldn’t cause a scene, but what happened next was a wet dream come to life, and instead of stopping him, Miss Vance leaned back in her chair and slowly began unbuttoning her jacket! When it fell open, her low cut bra was plainly visible through the thin silk blouse! Up until now she hadn’t uttered a word, but now she whispered hoarsely, “Open my blouse and feel them through my bra.” With trembling hands Ryan tried in vain to undo the small pearl buttons, until finally having to let Harriett Vance to it for him. When she pulled her blouse away, Ryan made an audible gasp, and gingerly touched the incredible mammarys through the lacy brassiere. The softness and sponginess were like nothing he had ever felt before. The girls he had gone out with barely had boobs, let alone something as breath taking as Miss Vance’s, and as if on automatic pilot, he leaned over and began kissing the pink nipples through the transparent fabric, causing them to harden and shrivel up. Right then he knew he had her, because even though her tits were much bigger than the girls in his own class, he knew from personal experience that once you get to the point of making their nipples hard, you could do pretty much what you wanted to them because they were so turned on!

Now gaining confidence, Ryan pulled his head from her chest and gave her a French kiss, using his tongue to probe her open mouth, and even though he was only eighteen, Ryan sensed that this woman would do his bidding and not give him any guff. Standing up next to her chair, Ryan slowly unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans to the floor, and now only in his BVD’s, he boldly said, “You know what you want baby, take them off.” Just as he had predicted, Harriett Vance was now completely in his thrall, so without a word of protest she hooked her thumbs in his waist band and tugged his shorts down his thighs. His erection, while not the biggest in the world, was incredibly stiff, with a drop of precum hanging from its tip, so getting even more personal with her, he asked sharply, “How long’s it been since you sucked a hard cock, bitch!?!” Licking her lips in anticipation, she answered softly, “Too long!” “Do you want it bitch,” he questioned!?!

This time she didn’t reply, while just sucking his meat into her hot mouth, slobbering all over it, and then licking it clean. Even though he had taken control of the situation and was making her do his bidding, there was still the matter of controlling his ejaculation, and that Ryan was unable to do, for in just a matter of minutes his cock gave up a huge load of white hot cum down Harriett Vance’s throat. Being so young, his ball sack had an inordinate amount of cum, thus she was unable to swallow it all as a goodly portion ran down her chin and onto her full chest! Ryan was gazing down at the cum covered chest of his middle aged suck doll when a voice that cut like a knife ripped through the air, “What is going on here,” exclaimed an obviously shocked Cindy Matthews!?!

“Uh, Cindy,” stammered Ryan, trying to think up a reasonable explanation for his having his pecker in the librarian’s mouth, “uh, what are you doing here!?!” “I forgot my purse and came back to get it,” she replied, her mouth still hanging agape from the scene she had walked in on. Miss Vance, sensing that Cindy could cause real trouble, jumped in to the conversation by using her domineering personality and ordered Cindy to sit down and be quiet. Not taking her eyes off either Ryan or Harriett Vance, Cindy slowly sat down, and did as she was told. Her bra now stained with Ryan’s cum, Miss Vance stood up and removed her blouse and then reached behind her and unclasped her 38DD cup bra. She shrugged her shoulders, and the huge under garment slipped off of her chest and onto the desk, while Ryan, now not so sure of himself with Cindy in the room, stared at the expansive tit flesh with obvious lust, as his penis again began to stiffen in front of him. Miss Vance stood in before Cindy, and in her usual forceful tone said, “Touch them for me Cindy, feel how nice and full they feel in your hands.” Not exactly sure what to do, Cindy slowly raised her right hand and softly touched Miss Vance’s nipple. “See how hard it gets,” commented Miss Vance, “you have a wonderful touch, Cindy, but if you put it in your mouth it gets even harder.” Cindy was now on automatic pilot, and would have done just about anything the older woman said, so when Miss Vance pulled her mouth to her nipple, she didn’t protest at all, instead she just opened up and took the big nub into her mouth. Ryan in the mean time, had begun rhythmically jerking is pecker, totally fascinated watching his classmate serviced the older woman’s big chest.

Miss Vance was still in her skirt, and Cindy hadn’t removed any of her clothing at all, so Miss Vance decided that it was time for everyone to get completely naked. For Ryan it was just a matter of taking off his shirt, but Cindy was utterly embarrassed having to strip in front of the other two so as to get her into the swing of things, Miss Vance had Cindy help her with her skirt and undie. Miss Vance, while not fat, was pleasingly plump, with a soft round tummy and big full ass and thighs. Her vagina was covered by a dense growth of dark pubic hair, that looked like a thick carpet between her legs. “Now it’s your turn, Cindy,” Harriett Vance intoned, “off with you duds, let’s help her, Ryan,” she ordered, while reaching to pull off the young girls sweater. With his pecker bobbing in front of him, Ryan proceeded to help Miss Vance remove every stitch of Cindy’s clothing, her tiny bikini panties being the last thing to go. “My, you have a lovely body,” cooed Miss Vance, while her hands roamed all over the young girl’s chest and crotch. Cindy, being a strawberry blonde, had a very light complexion, with a sparse growth of thin reddish hair covering her pussy that looked incredibly inviting to the old cunt. Harriett Vance quickly removed everything from the top of her desk and then helped a very nervous Cindy lay back with her legs spread wide apart while commenting, “You have a very pretty vagina, Cindy, just look at Ryan’s penis, he thinks your vagina is pretty too, don’t you Ryan?!?”

Ryan just nodded, never taking his eyes off the puffy little vagina staring him in the face as MIss Vance wnt on, “Cindy, dear, you are making Ryan and me very excited, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to tongue your vagina with my mouth!” Not waiting for an answer, Miss Vance placed her mouth directly on the crack of the pretty young teenager. This was one thing that Miss Vance knew something about, that being cunt lapping, since she had been meeting a lady from the next town twice a month for the past ten years just to suck each other off, so she went at Cindy’s little pussy with a vengeance, not taking the time to bring her to a slow boil, she found the girl’s little clitoris and worked it over relentlessly! Cindy’s body immediately convulsed as her clit was under a full attack from the experienced tongue, while Ryan, again taking a chance, put his cock within easy reach of Cindy’s mouth, just in case she got the urge to orally satisfy him! He wasn’t disappointed as she hungrily sucked him into her warm mouth, the combination of which, a mouth on her pussy and a cock her in mouth were more than the poor girl could handle, resulting in the hardest orgasm of her life as her little pussy filling the librarian’s mouth with her cunt juice while her own mouth was being filled with the spurting cum of her classmate.

Harriett quickly got to her feet and ordered Cindy to get off of the desk. After replacing Cindy, Harriett Vance spread her legs wide apart, exposing the hairiest pussy Ryan had ever seen, including pictures in magazines! Looking at Cindy, she asked, “Please do my boobs, honey, they could really use some attention!” The loud slurping coming from Cindy’s mouth, made Ryan’s dormant pecker begin to rise, and after he was fully erect, he didn’t even have to ask what to do, he simply stepped between the wide open thighs of his boss and buried his boner deep into her steaming love box, while a loud sigh of contentment escaped Miss Vance’s lips when she felt the hardness of a male enter her for the first time in years! It felt so good to get fucked by a man again! The wonderful thing about fucking teenagers, was that they had boundless energy, and very short recovery times. Ryan, for example, was going to be shooting his third load within the space of a half hour, while Cindy, had a vagina that just begged to be handled, becoming dripping wet at the mere drop of a hat!

Ryan could see that there was a way to get Cindy a little more involved in the action so he had her crawl up on top of Miss Vance with her ass in the air right in front of his nose. She could continue sucking Harriett Vance’s tits, but with her cunt right in front of him, he could lean forward just a few inches and tongue her pretty little twat! The sucking sounds coming from her mouth on Miss Vance’s tits grew louder and faster when Ryan’s tongue snaked into Cindy’s puffy little pussy. Her aroma was like a drug, and Ryan tried to bury his whole face into the young girl’s very wet snatch! He was now a man possessed, his mouth sucking the young vagina like a calf to its mother’s nipple, while his now stainless steel pecker, pounding hard in and out of the hairy old cunt that was splayed open before him! The three of them had the beginnings of a daisy chain, with Cindy’s mouth on Miss Vance’s huge chest, and Ryan taking care of both females with his mouth and tongue in Cindy’s pussy and his hardon taking care of Miss Vance’s needful cunt! Ryan was the one that started the simultaneous explosion when he groaned loud and hard into Cindy’s tight little cunt, sending Cindy tumbling over the orgasmic edge with her second cum in the last fifteen minutes! Miss Vance, just hearing her two young sex toys having climaxes caused her own genitals to tremble, finally contracting in a climax of its own.

When they were breathing normally again, Harriett Vance sat in her chair with each teenager at her side, quietly nursing on a big fat nipple. All three, content, and happy in the knowledge that this was only the first of many late night trysts that they would be having among the stacks in the library.